Media Releases

Workers need relief - Adelaide leads the nation in cost of living surge

January 25, 2023

Adelaide recorded the highest CPI increase of the Australian capitals over the 12months to December 2022. Inflation rose 7.8 per cent annually in the December quarter with underlying inflation up 6.9 per cent.

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'Damning' SafeWork SA review released, SA workers call for government action

January 25, 2023

Today the South Australian Government has released the independent 'root and branch' review of SafeWork SA, conducted by John Merritt, former head of WorkSafe Victoria.

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Early XMAS present for SA's lowest paid, unions win a $41 a week pay rise

December 20, 2022

Today the South Australian Employment Tribunal published their decision for a 5.2% wage increase to the State Workers' minimum wage in the annual State Wage Case. The pay rise is to be back-dated to the 1st of July 2022.

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Union members are paid more - new ABS data confirms

December 14, 2022

Australian Bureau of Statistics data from August 2022 has again confirmed that Union Members are paid more than non-members.

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Unions, academics, and activists call for action on modern slavery

December 06, 2022

Research shows that millions of people worldwide are victims of Modern Slavery and the problem is only getting worse. South Australia isn't immune from this scourge. Unions, Academics and Activists are calling the government to stop it.

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A big week for South Australian workers gives them a lot to celebrate

December 02, 2022

Both the Secure Jobs better pay bill, and the respect at work bill, passed through the federal parliament this week, and here at home, we saw the South Australian Government unveil its industrial manslaughter legislation.

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