Media Releases

Multi-employer bargaining an important tool to address skills shortages

September 06, 2022

The Federal Government has announced plans to move ahead on giving workers and businesses greater flexibility to negotiate fairer and more competitive pay agreements across multiple employers.

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SA Unions fight $41 a week pay rise in SA state wage case

August 22, 2022

SA Unions have lodged South Australia’s state wage case with the South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET).

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SafeWork SA needs more inspection funding to prevent incident

August 17, 2022

In the same week, two horrific South Australian workplace incidents have come to light, because of SafeWork SA prosecutions.

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Adelaide's inflation rate more than double current wage growth

August 17, 2022

Wage growth has flatlined, rising by only 0.07 per cent to 2.6 per cent, less than half the rate of Adelaide's local inflation rate of 6.4 per cent, according to data released by the ABS Wednesday morning.

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Govt must instruct RBA to prioritise full and secure employment

August 11, 2022

Full and secure employment should be the top macro-economic tool of the federal government according to Australian Unions in a new paper released yesterday ahead of the Jobs summit in early September.

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Workers will overwhelm health system unless pandemic payment restored

July 07, 2022

The Federal government is under increasing pressure to restore the Pandemic Leave Disaster payment. Unions have been strongly advocating for the payment's reintroduction with the Federal Government.

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