Media Releases

SA Unions welcomes report on wage theft – slams Marshall Government for inaction

December 01, 2021

“Each year South Australian workers are having $500 million in wages stolen from them by unscrupulous employers and the Marshall Government refuses to even acknowledge that wage theft exists.

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The Premier who stole Christmas now coming after Christmas Eve

November 17, 2021

“Stephen Marshall and the South Australian Liberals have stolen the Christmas Eve penalty rates of thousands of South Australian workers...."

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Marshall’s submarine spin left dead in the water

December 01, 2021

''600 construction workers face uncertainty as Australian Naval Infrastructure shut the gates on the construction of the new shipyard building for the Naval Group subs...."

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Naval Group workers on the scrap heap?

September 16, 2021

This morning’s surprise announcement of the scrapping of the Attack Class Submarine project with Naval Group has left more questions than answers for South Aussie workers and businesses.

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FunTea and wage theft in South Australia

September 15, 2021

“Unions across all sectors are recouping millions of dollars a year for employees pursuing wage theft. But mopping up the mess after the damage has been done is not good enough. We need proper laws to prevent it happening, and that means proper penalties for perpetrators."

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SA Unions support national vaccination campaign

September 08, 2021

The choice to get vaccinated has life or death consequences, not just for you but for all the people you interact with, including frontline and essential workers...

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