Held By: Maritime Union of Australia
Artist: Elaine Gardner
Funded By: UTLC Peace Banner Project through IYP, Australia Council and SUA
Produced: 1986
The union has long been in the Peace Movement And gave me lots of input…Ron was particularly keen the ‘linked hands’ idea which was transposed into the image of the doves linked in flight, and the use of the sea-sky Background was appropriate to the Seamen’s Union.
I enjoyed working for them probably because they allowed me to use techniques I loved to work with and it seemed appropriate to be making a PEACE banner by a ‘piecing’ method. Elaine Gardner, Artist
PEACE has always been an overriding theme of the Seamen’s Union. It features a one of the slogans on the banner as well. We are very active and involved with the Peace Movement. Ken McLennan, Acting Secretary
Cited in : Modern Trade Union Banners: An exhibition of recently completed SA union banners, Kathie Muir, Union Arts, United Trades & Labor Council of South Australia, August 1987.