FOOD PRESERVERS UNION OF AUSTRALIA SA BRANCH (now part of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)

Held By:        Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, National Office Sydney

Artist:           Kathie Muir

Funded By:  UTLC Banner Project & FPU

Produced:   1986


The more time I spent with the unions, visiting workplaces and talking with members and officials, the more I respected their work and their deep commitment to peace an equality. Their involvement in peace campaigns was my original reason for wanting to work with them, also I saw great potential for the use of textiles in this banner.


Everyone agreed it was important to have a strong, affirmative central image emphasising equality and co-operation and this balances well with the colours and textures of the border. It’s great watching people stop and stare at it on marches. Kathie Muir, Artist


We wanted to emphasise women and men working equally and co-operatively and the power of workers in the production process. We worked collaboratively with Kathie during the research and design stages.


The decision to have a fabric banner worked in well with the idea of depicting the types of fruit and vegetables processed by members. It was also important to emphasise the union’s commitment to unity, peace and equality.


We’re proud of our banner. It’s one of the ways we can show people what we stand for. Noel Treharne, State Secretary


Cited in : Modern Trade Union Banners: An exhibition of recently completed SA union banners, Kathie Muir, Union Arts, United Trades & Labor Council of South Australia, August 1987.